Cell & Gene
Precision quantification of gene editing efficiency in your experiments with plug-and-play custom kits for your specific sequences, no optimization required.
Get same-day results.

Accurately determine gene-editing efficiency
Pairs of padlock probes targeting edited and unedited sequences are designed and impelemented without previous optimization. Calculating the ratio between signals of edited vs unedited sequence allows quantification of gene editing efficiency. When both probes target the same PCR amplicon, any potential amplification bias arising from replication variability and the amplicon-to-amplicon efficiency is neutralized.

Confirm success and determine knock-in and knock-out efficiency
Achieve precise determination of single-base edits through high counts for good statistics
Measure multiple sites simultanesouly in each sample
No need to optimize primers to achieve base discrimination, works out-of-box
Highly sensitive,
no amplification bias
With 10-log dynamic range, the input can range from 0.01 ng to millions of nanograms without compromising accuracy. Due to the way Hyperplex PCR works, there is no amplification bias in the quantification despite high numbers of PCR cycles.
Accurate quantification over 10-log dynamic range

Precise hyperplex quantification
High linearity and precise determination of editing efficiency in the range of 1-100% can be achieved with our simple workflow, enabling high volume and same day results. Thanks to 100+ hyperplexing, up to 50 sites can be quantified at the same time with the same workflow as if 1 site was being quantified.
Titration of synthetic DNA containing edit

Triplicates of combinations of wild-type and edited target containing a point mutation at different molar ratios. The dark shaded area indicates 99% CI and the light shaded area indicates the prediction interval.
Precision with massive data
By individually counting a large number of edited vs unedited events, you can determine the efficiency of a gene editing experiment with unparallelled precision.
In this microscopy image, approximately 100k counts were acquired.
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